loess landform meaning in Chinese
- From that new conclusion , we know the form of loess landform was built by erosion result from outside forces , which is historical and long - term
并进一步论证了陕北黄土高原地貌的塑造是以外力侵蚀等因素为主导所形成。外力侵蚀是历史性的,是长期性的。 - The unconformability between the loess landform of shaanbei loess plateau and its bedrock shape was pointed out first after the full demonstration . the top of loess formation of the south part in shaanbei is flat which likes " platform " , the shape of the bedrock is rolling that likes ridge , and the bedrock bended to fold . the top of loess formation of the mid - part in shaanbei is rolling , but the shape of the bedrock below begins to get flat , the top of loess formation of the north part in shaanbei , loess mao district , is much more rolling among them , however , its shape of the bedrock below is the flattest relatively likes the platform shape of loess formation in south
具体地讲,陕北高原南部的洛) 11黄土源,黄上层顶部相对平坦,地貌类型以黄土源为主格调,而其下伏基岩地层诏皱相对发育,古地势起伏相对较大:陕北高原中部的延安一安塞黄土梁状(为主)丘陵沟壑区,黄土层顶部起伏相对增大,地貌类型以黄土梁为主格调,而其下伏基岩地层槽皱程度趋弱,地层较平缓,古地势起伏相对降低;陕北高原北部的绥德一子洲黄土赤状(为主)丘陵沟壑区,黄土层顶部起伏度相对最大,地貌类型以黄上赤为主格调,而其下伏基底地层以平缓为特征,古地势起伏强度亦相对较低。